My Beach Kitchen

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What's in Season in February?

Beautiful beans, grown at the Anglesea Community Market.

Living on the coast of Victoria, it feels like summer is closing in much too fast.  February is usually one of our most treasured months, with warm sunny days and evenings, allowing us to make the most of daylight savings. Thats has not been the case this year, with only one hot day forecast this week.  As a result of our cooler and wetter summer, our produce seems somewhat delayed.  My tomatoes have only just started to ripen and many other vegetables in my garden are making a similarly late appearance.  So, in saying that, there is still plenty of time to make use of the beautiful fruits and vegetables February has to offer. Check out the list below and try planning your lunch and dinners around these.  You will be buying 'in season' and therefore the most flavoursome and freshest produce on offer.


·   Bananas

·   Blackberries

·   Blueberries

·   Carambola/starfruit

·   Figs

·   Grapes

·   Honeydew melons

·   Kiwifruit

·   Lemons

·   Limes

·   Lychees

·   Mangoes

·   Mangosteens

·   Nectarines

·   Passionfruit

·   Peaches

·   Pineapples

·   Plums

·   Rambutan

·   Raspberries

·   Rhubarb

·   Rockmelon/cantaloupe

·   Strawberries

·   Tamarillo

·   Valencia oranges

·   Watermelon

·   William Bartlett pears

Broad Bean and Miso Puree with seasonal vegetables


·   Capsicums

·   Celery

·   Chillies

·   Cucumber

·   Eggplants

·   Green beans

·   Hass avocados

·   Leeks

·   Lettuce

·   Onions

·   Peas

·   Snow peas

·   Spring onions/green shallots

·   Sugar snap peas

·   Radish

·   Sweet corn

·   Zucchini

·   Yellow squash

Home grown salad ingredients

And if you're like me and you're always in the kitchen, don't forget the importance of a good apron!  Just like kids painting at kinder that need a good smock, we need a good apron.  Cooking can be messy, and why shouldn't it be?!  Some of the best fun you'll ever have probably involves making a mess of some kind.  And mess is ok in my book as long as it can be cleaned up. I have discovered from experience that mess involving pomegranate juice on a white shirt does not clean up, nor does spaghetti bolognese clean off anything.  So if you're due for a new apron, check out our beautiful Winti Tropicana Apron online now.

Winti Tropicana Apron and Extra large T-Towel sheet by My Beach Kitchen