This is just a really quick run down on how I cook my turkey every year. I always begin with a good free range turkey, this year I cooked a 7 kg bird for 11 adults and 4 kids. Considering I also cooked a baked ham, plus pork I had more then enough food. I could of easily fed 20 people! I always stuff my turkey with a traditional force meat stuffing, which consists of sausage mince, bread crumbs and lots of other yummy extras. But the real secret to my turkey is to cook it wrapped in butter soaked muslin. This is quite a traditional method in many European countries, however I don't think it is as widely used in Australia. Simply wet about 1/2 metre of muslin , then soak it in melted herb butter. Net warp up your bird in the soaked muslin. You will not need to baste your turkey at all and you will end up with a really juicy and brown bird.